jQuery(function($) { // Mobile sidebars $.fn.expandableSidebar = function(expandedClass) { var $me = this; $me.on('click', function() { if(!$me.hasClass(expandedClass)) { $me.addClass(expandedClass); } else { $me.removeClass(expandedClass); } }); } var haberdasherController = { init: function(opts) { var base = this; // Add classes to elements base._attachEvents(); setTimeout(function(){ base._addClasses(); base._checkCartItems(); }, 1000); }, _addClasses: function() { var base = this; // Add placeholder text to inputs $('.wsite-form-sublabel').each(function(){ var sublabel = $(this).text(); $(this).prev('.wsite-form-input').attr('placeholder', sublabel); }); // Add fullwidth class to gallery thumbs if less than 6 $('.imageGallery').each(function(){ if ($(this).children('div').length <= 6) { $(this).children('div').addClass('fullwidth-mobile'); } }); }, _stickyFooter: function() { var stickyFooterMargin = $('#footer-wrap').height(); $('.wrapper').css('margin-bottom', -stickyFooterMargin); $('#footer-wrap, .sticky-footer-push').css('height', stickyFooterMargin); }, _checkCartItems: function() { var base = this; if($('#wsite-mini-cart').find('li.wsite-product-item').length > 0) { $('#wsite-mini-cart').addClass('full'); base.cartHasItems = true; } else { $('#wsite-mini-cart').removeClass('full'); base.cartHasItems = false; } }, _attachEvents: function() { var base = this; $('label.hamburger').on('click', function() { $('body').toggleClass('nav-open'); }); // Pad header on mobile setTimeout(function(){ if($(window).width() < 992) { $(".banner-wrap").css({"padding-top" : $(".header-wrap > .nav-wrap").height() + "px"}); } }, 800); // Copy login and search to mobile nav var login = $("#member-login").clone(true), search = $("#wsite-header-search-form").clone(true) $("#navmobile .wsite-menu-default").append(login).append(search); // Menu text alignment if($('.search').is(':empty') || $('.search').css('display') == 'none') { $('.menu').css('text-align', 'center'); } // Store category dropdown $('.wsite-com-sidebar').expandableSidebar('sidebar-expanded'); // Search filters dropdown $('#wsite-search-sidebar').expandableSidebar('sidebar-expanded'); // Init fancybox swipe on mobile if('ontouchstart' in window) { $('body').on('click', 'a.w-fancybox', function() { base._initSwipeGallery(); }); } // Init sticky footer if($(window).width() > 992) { base._stickyFooter(); } }, _initSwipeGallery: function() { var base = this; setTimeout(function(){ var touchGallery = document.getElementsByClassName('fancybox-wrap')[0]; var mc = new Hammer(touchGallery); mc.on("panleft panright", function(ev) { if (ev.type == "panleft") { $("a.fancybox-next").trigger("click"); } else if (ev.type == "panright") { $("a.fancybox-prev").trigger("click"); } base._initSwipeGallery(); }); }, 500); } } $(document).ready(function(){ haberdasherController.init(); }); });