."...May this be a safe place
Full of understanding and acceptance,
Where you can be as you are
Without the need of any mask of pretense or image
May this be a place of discovery,
Where the possibilities that sleep
In the clay of your soul can emerge
To deepen and refine your vision
For all that is yet to come to birth."
(From To Bless the Space Between Us - by John O'Donohue)
."...May this be a safe place
Full of understanding and acceptance,
Where you can be as you are
Without the need of any mask of pretense or image
May this be a place of discovery,
Where the possibilities that sleep
In the clay of your soul can emerge
To deepen and refine your vision
For all that is yet to come to birth."
(From To Bless the Space Between Us - by John O'Donohue)
There are times in life when one feels compelled to break from one’s daily routine and plunge the depths of one’s spiritual life. Individual spiritual retreats are one way to address this calling.
Raven’s Call Retreats is located a half-hour west of Eugene on a farm in the foothills of the Coast Range. Wali Via, a senior teacher in the Inayati Order, provides retreat guidance based on the alchemical retreat process originated by Pir Vilayat Khan and developed by many other Sufi teachers. One needn’t be a Sufi initiate to take a retreat.
Retreats are adapted to each retreatants’s needs by Wali. No two retreats are the same. A retreat may incorporate practices from a variety of spiritual/religious traditions including practices using breath, sound, light, prayer, visualization, subtle energy centers, nature concentrations, wazaif, dhikr, walks, and music. Alchemical retreats are designed to be transformative. The retreatant is led through stages of purification, loosening the assumptions of who we think we are, attuning to Universal Oneness, discovering latent divine archetypal qualities within, infusing our personality with those qualities as well as new or clarified realizations, and finally applying them to one’s circumstances in life. Although while on retreat the retreatant leaves life’s responsibilities behind, the aim is to increase one’s capacity to engage in life more fully with deeper meaning and purpose.
Typically, Wali meets with the retreatant once in the morning for up to an hour to give daily instruction and again in the eveing to check on how the retreat is going.
Retreats can vary in length from one to seven days or more. Three day retreats are most common and generally allow for enough time to fully get into a retreat attunement and rhythm. Experienced retreatants may opt for longer retreats.
Retreatants stay in a comfortable one-room cabin with access to nature trails. Retreatants provide all of their food needs. The recommended retreat diet is typically simple and vegan, though you should eat according to your needs. There is a camp style kitchen on the cabin porch with running water, a stove, food storage containers, an ice chest, and kitchen and eating utensils.
Donations are welcome but should not be a barrier to taking a retreat. Most retreatants contribute around $50 per day.
For more information, questions, or to schedule a retreat contact:
Raven’s Call Retreats - Wali Via
[email protected]
541-935-7676 or click here